Crayfish Boil
We had a fun time pretending we were in the bayou yesterday. It was a gorgeous sunny day and the kids were happy to be outside. They swam, went fishing and spent the majority of the day catching crayfish near the dock.
Abby and Josh really wanted to cook a crayfish. After begging and pleading I finally agreed they could cook two crayfish if they promised to eat them. With water boiling and crayfish in a minnow bucket on the floor of the kitchen the moment for cooking was upon us. I was expecting a scream from the crayfish since they say lobsters sometimes do that, but the cooking of the crayfish was uneventful.
The crayfish turned red in color as it cooked, just like a lobster only a lot smaller. Various crew members attempted to find the actual meat on the crayfish and a squeamish Abby agreed to taste it. With a wrinkled up nose she stated, "Not bad." but refused second helpings. Josh said it didn’t taste like anything and the concensus was there wasn’t enough meat to mess with.
There are people who sometimes eat crayfish while out in the wilderness, especially if they are desperate. If you get a chance then be sure to ask Mike about his experience feeding a group of kids on a wilderness canoe trip. As for me, "No thanks, I’ll pass."