BWCA Lottery Results
Plenty of permits were reserved during the lottery and on the first day of live reservations but there are plenty of permits left for the 2012 paddling season.
2012 Lottery and Go-live:
, December 19, 2011—January 19, 2012
The final end-of-day numbers for all reservations made was 2,427:
Call Center: 215 (20 calls in the first 17 minutes)
Web: 2,212
Commercial (cooperators): 800
Non Commercial (general public): 1,627
, last Wednesday of January (25th)
Total = 7,232 for entry points D, F, G, 24 and 25 overnight motor and paddle
3,853 successful applicants
2257 day use motor
695 overnight motor
901 overnight paddle
3,373 unsuccessful applicants
2878 day use motor
464 overnight motor
31 overnight paddle