Boundary Waters Canoe Area Closed
I never thought I would write that as a blog title, but here it is. The rumors were true and the entire BWCAW has been closed for 7 days due to wildfires, threat to public safety, drought conditions and lack of resources to fight the wildfires. Our thoughts and prayers are with those who have been evacuated and affected by this closure as well as with the fire fighters.

We feel for those of you who have had their trips cancelled and hope you can find some place to unwind and relax somewhere else. There are other similar experiences to be found on the Superior National Forest and Voyageur Canoe Outfitters can help you plan a trip in our area.
There is rain in the forecast and along with cooler temperatures this should help alleviate the drought like conditions that have persisted for most of the summer. The USFS will monitor the situation and make adjustments to the closure order as they feel it is safe for visitors to re-enter the BWCAW.
For those of you with inquiring minds like me, there is a $5000 fine if you are found in violation of this closure order.

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