A Normal Sunday
Yesterday was by no means a normal Sunday. After a very hectic Thursday, Friday and Saturday the clean up of Mush for a Cure items continued into yesterday. We had tables to return, boxes to pick up from Trail Center and tents to take down. My lodge now looks like something big and pink blew up and there are tons of things to sort and organize.
The sun was shining and the thermometer read 58 degrees. The warm sun made me feel like running and with one event over my mind instantly turned to the next, The Ham Run Half Marathon. Since we were already at Gunflint Pines I decided I would start running from there. It’s a hilly road and the first couple of miles of the Ham Run course is pretty hilly. I figured Mike would pick me up on his way back at about 8 miles or so. Well, he was slower and things were going good and by the time he came along I only had 3 miles left to get to my house so I decided I would stick it out and run the Half Marathon.
Instead of running the last mile to and through the campground I ran the mile to our house in 2 hours and 15 minutes in March, on dry pavement. No snow for the Mush for a Cure so I imagine in May we’ll get a dumping for the Ham Run.
Then through peer pressure of my ten year old girl, 8 year old son and staff I did the polar plunge. Yep, through the ice. It was as far from a normal Sunday as I could get.