Stuff for Next Year

It might be difficult to believe but I’ve already met with one clothing rep and I’m meeting with another salesperson tomorrow. These meetings are to purchase items to sell in the store next summer! The season has barely ended yet there is work to be done for next year.

Clothing and souvenirs aren’t the only items we order this far in advance. We place orders for canoes, freeze dried food and other new equipment before the end of the year.

What else needs to be done sooner rather than later? We have been working on a new website design since before the summer season began. It would be really nice if we could get that done this calendar year. We’ve also been creating a new brochure for a mailing piece and it too would be nice to have finished before the new year.

There’s always something to do and I thought I’d give you a little taste of some of the stuff the Voyageur Crew is working on now for next year.

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