-30 Below Windchills in the Forecast
Chilly weather is on the way to the Gunflint Trail this Thursday and Friday. A high temperature of 13 degrees is predicted for tomorrow and a low of -11 degrees for tomorrow night. Add 15-20mph winds to the cold temperatures and you’ve got some very negative wind chill numbers.
It is strange how the wind can make such a difference in how cold it feels. A calm day when it’s zero degrees doesn’t feel too cold but take a day when it’s 18 degrees with wind and you’re freeezing.
I don’t mind cold weather especially if we have good snow to play on. While we have about a foot of white stuff at Voyageur other places didn’t get quite as much. We need a little bit more before they can get the ski trails groomed for cross-country skiing but Lutsen does have runs open for downhill skiing.
The wind has been preventing the big lakes on the Gunflint Trail from freezing over. Gunflint and the big part of Saganaga were still open as of yesterday and it didn’t get too cold last night. The other lakes have been iced over for quite some time and are making good ice without any snow on top of them to insulate.
Good news for those of you who like to look at the weather and who wonder what it looks like on the Gunflint Trail. My fabulous web woman Sandy from Boreal has the weather station and the web cam on our Voyageur home page now! You can sneak a look as many times as you like throughout the day without experiencing any windchill at all.