Try Something New
My sister and her family brought my cousin and his family up to Voyageur for the weekend. My cousin and his family are from North Dakota and haven’t participated in too many water sports. While my sister’s family has all canoed, none of them had ever kayaked.
On Friday night I told the girls we would have to try kayaking in the morning. They were ready to give it a try bright and early yesterday morning. Their ages are 13, 12, 11 and 9, Abby is 7 and Josh is 6 so we had quite a few ages represented. Josh had kayaked before so he got in and showed them what to do.
The girls feeling confident, since a 6 year old could do it, were eager to try. With a few words of instruction they entered their kayaks to give it a try. Before long they were all paddling up and down the river with ease.
I asked if any of the adults wanted to try and was quite shocked when my cousin said yes. He’s older than me and had never canoed or kayaked before; I’m not sure if he knows how to swim or not? I have to say he didn’t make it real far but I am so proud that he tried something new. Then my sister surprised me and said she would try it too. It was so great to see people both young and old experiencing a new activity.
Last night before I left their cabin the girls asked excitedly, "Can we go kayaking again tomorrow?" I of course replied yes. I didn’t see my sister or cousin jumping up and down to do it again but I am happy to say they proved to me today that you are never too old or too young to try something new.