BWCA Beaches
The other day I wrote about favorite campsites and how each person has different ideas of what a great campsite may be. When paddling with small children or beach bums it is always a treat to find a beach. Sandy beaches are quite rare in the canoe country, especially around the end of the Gunflint Trail. We have a couple of favorites that are easy to get to on Saganaga and Seagull Lakes. In the Quetico Park I remember a beautiful beach in Kawnipi. Of course the size of the beach depends upon the water level at the time you are visiting. In early summer, beaches may be difficult to find because of high water levels, mid-summer they will become more obvious and In the fall, as water levels go down, the beaches get bigger and bigger. Do you know of a canoe country beach? I’d love to hear about it if you do, because not only do I have small kids but I”m also a beach bum!